This page showcases various web design, multimedia design and graphic design projects. Please click on the thumbnails to view larger images.
2019: Better Awareness Resource Kit (BARK)
These concept images were created as part of an assessment in the Diploma of Mental Health unit Provide Early Intervention, Health Prevention and Promotion Programs. An earlier assessment involved another student and myself researching and presenting information about the Australian mental health promotion program Black Dog Institute. The follow-up project was to create a mental health promotion strategy concept as part of that program aimed at young tertiary students.
Due to the fact that the mental health of young people, workplace mental health and e-mental health are key areas of research of the Black Dog Institute and their education and training programs include promoting mental health awareness in the workplace, in schools and in the community, the Black Dog Institute is an ideal organisation to deliver a mental health promotion strategy to young tertiary students.
My final concept for a mental health promotion strategy is BARK, which stands for the Better Awareness Resource Kit. BARK is a resource kit that tertiary students students will be presented with during their induction and it can be customised to each course. The strategy includes lecturer presentations, a physical resource kit and an online component of a website and mobile app and is designed to make students better aware of mental health, wellbeing, healthy practices, self-care and stress management and provides information about where to seek assistance if needed.
2019: Principles of Trauma Informed Care
These illustrations were created as part of an assessment in the Diploma of Mental Health unit Implement Trauma Informed Care.
The assessment was an interactive client session where students were required to create a suitable physical and interpersonal environment for clients and as part of this I created posters detailing the principles of trauma informed care.
The core principles of trauma informed care are "safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration and empowerment as well as respect for diversity" (Kezelman, 2014).
2018: Midlas (Midland Information Debt and Legal Advocacy Service Inc.)
As part of the Supervised Field Placement unit for the Diploma of Mental Health I carried out work placement at Midlas (Midland Information Debt and Legal Advocacy Service Inc.). Midlas is a community service agency that performs a broad range of community service work including financial counselling, tenancy advocacy, disability advocacy, family and domestic violence legal support and emergency relief. Upon the conclusion of the work placement I carried out volunteer work for the agency. I worked in various sections of the agency in the areas of information management, research, client advocacy and also graphic design as illustrated here.
2014-2015: Bellatrax Records
In late 2014 I decided to release some electronic music that I originally created in the 1990s and early 2000s. The tracks on 'OctaMEDicine' were originally created in the 1990s on the Amiga using the OctaMED tracker program when I was ~15 years old. 'Dimensional Density' was my first real attempt at creating music on a PC when I was ~20 years old. Throughout the 2000s I created music with talented music artist Oliver Blazevic for several years under the name PsyOP releasing music on his label Psydonia Records.
After a ~5 year break in creating music I decided to start experimenting with creating some music once again at the beginning of 2015. It ended up being a year-long creative audio and visual project where I wrote and produced a multitude of tracks and created artwork for each release which are displayed here. All releases are available for free streaming and download through Bandcamp:
2010: Psydonia Records
As mentioned in the above section, throughout the 2000s I created music with talented music artist Oliver Blazevic for several years under the name PsyOP releasing music on his label Psydonia Records. PsyOP was co-founded in mid-2003 and stands for both 'Psychedelic Operations' and 'Psy Of Perth'.
During 2010 Psydonia Records released digital file releases and I created the artwork for some of these and also for some releases that were planned for release, some of which are displayed here.
2005: Sizer Builders & Sizer Developments
In 2005 I was approached to re-design the website for the Western Australian construction company Sizer Builders and Sizer's second company Sizer Developments.
Although the companies are considered individual in their operations, each company's website needed to be linked to one another. I designed each of the sites with the exact same structure to maintain consistency and utilised the company's green and purple logo colours to differentiate each site.
2005: Transgressions Of Domestic Space At Wedge
This website was completed in short notice in only a number of days for a university academic's research project concerning Wedge Island, Western Australia. The purpose of the site was to present the research work of Dr. Reena Tiwari and Lynn Churchill, and to complement their exhibition displays.
I was working on this website with a colleague - Hanadi G. Haddad. Whilst it was her job to deal with the client, collect and work on the content, it was my job to design the site and put that content into place. Due to the large number of sections in the website I had to design the navigation in a particular way. There are three main sections - with two of these sections having several subsections each.
2004-2005: Ravensthorpe Regional Chamber Of Commerce Inc.
This is a website designed for a chamber of commerce situated in Ravensthorpe - a small town in southern Western Australia. The website serves as an information resource and directory of businesses for Ravensthorpe and the surrounding areas.
The website was designed with the fact in mind that the organisation's personnel would edit and update the site themselves. The job also consisted of a re-rendering of the organisation's existing logo for use for their letterheads etc. At the time, this was my first foray into web design for a couple of years as my Honours project occupied much of my time prior to that date.
2000-2006: Cracovia Club Inc.
From 2000 to 2006 I voluntarily conducted graphic design, website design and maintenance for Cracovia Club Inc.
Cracovia Club serves as a Polish club and community centre with countless facilities including main hall, restaurant and bar. The club is also home to the amateur soccer team 'Cracovia White Eagles'. The website initially began its life as a student project, but it soon became the official website of the club.
For many years this was a 'live' website that served the local Polish community and was updated by myself when prompted by my colleagues at the club. In addition to the website, I also carried out graphic design for the club, including business cards, logos and brochures. My last work for Cracovia Club was a graphic design project carried out in 2006.
After 6 years of serving the Polish community I was forced to hand over the reigns of the website project due to other commitments.
2000-2008: Past Portfolio Websites
Since 2000 I have created several portfolio websites altogether (including the site you are currently viewing). For interest's sake and in particular for my own reference, I have included examples of the previous incarnations of my website.
My first two portfolio websites (bottom row), completed whilst I was a student at the WA School of Art, Design & Media in 2000, were my first attempts at web design - experimental and unconventional to say the least. For the second website I wanted an unchangeable 'console' type design. This would later become the basis of the Portfolio Interactive CD-ROM (see project below).
My third portfolio website (second row from bottom) spanned 2001-02, from the time I completed my first degree, to my first semester in Honours. It was designed in a more straightforward style. I utilised thumbnails and pop-up windows as a way to display and allow the viewing of images from each design project. The basic structure of this site became the basis for the fourth portfolio website, created in 2004, which was less dark and more inviting. Up until this point I used the moniker 'AGB Design' - my initials.
In late 2005 I registered the domain name and designed a fifth portfolio website (second row from top) which showcased my work up until that date. In early 2008 I slightly re-designed the fifth version of the portfolio website (top row). I held the domain name until late 2008 - choosing not to renew it as I did not wish to have a web presence at the time partly due to the fact that I was no longer involved in the commercial or creative side of multimedia work for that period.
In mid-2009 I registered, designed and launched the current portfolio website you are viewing right now. This coincided with me 're-learning' web design and coding with modern standards-based techniques, such as the use of CSS and correctly validated pages which I have used for this site and my sub-sites.
2001: Portfolio Interactive CD-ROM
These are images of my portfolio CD-ROM from a 3rd year university Multimedia Studio project which was part of my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Multimedia Design. It's based on my second portfolio website design. 3D Studio Max was used to generate the background and 'console' graphics.
Each design section is represented by an icon on the main navigation bar. Within each of these design sections are three separate subsections where the design work is viewed. The interactive was created with Macromedia Director and allowed for added extras which back then could not be easily implemented into a website, for instance animated rollovers and extensive sound and video.
2001: Vital Vitamins Interactive CD-ROM
These are screenshots from an interactive CD-ROM project for a fictitious vitamin company 'Vital Vitamins' that I created for my 3rd year university Multimedia Studio project which was part of my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Multimedia Design.
Like with many interactives I have designed, a large amount of 3D modelling was used for the imagery which I combined with Macromedia Director's interactivity.
2000: Headlam Computers Interactive CD-ROM
This is an interactive CD-ROM created with Macromedia Director that was produced for the former computer shop 'Headlam Computers & Software'. This was a project I worked on in my final year at the WA School of Art, Design & Media. I was in a group of four students, each of us having a particular section to work on. I was responsible for designing the animated introduction sequence, main menu and navigation.
The project included a fair amount of 3D modelling and also required me to model a 2D illustrated character into a 3D character - my first attempt at doing so. Coincidently, in the early 1990s, I also had involvement in designing the actual 'Headlam' logo.
2000: Mr Mac's Music CD Cover Design
This is a CD cover I designed for the local Perth musician Keith McDonald. The job included 3D modelling, the design of a CD, CD cover/back artwork, booklet and a vector graphics logo which could be used for letterheads.
The musician writes and performs children's songs, therefore the cover had to portray this to the target audience - school teachers, children and their parents. 500 of these CDs were printed and public response to the design was extremely positive.
1996-1997: Drawing